EDU-Port Symposium FY2018

The purpose is to share the achievements of the fiscal year 2018, expectations for the next year, and the way forward.

Date and Time 2:00p.m. – 5:15p.m. Thursday, March 7, 2019
Venue Auditorium, 3rd floor, MEXT building
Host Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Language Japanese/English (with simultaneous interpretation)



  • Opening Remarks (MEXT)
  • Report on fiscal year 2018 and the expectation for the next year (MEXT)
  • Guest’s Speech:”Expectations for educational cooperation between Africa and Japan“ (Dr. Hany, Embassy of Egypt, Chair country of the African Union)

■ Report on EDU-Port pilot projects

Osaka Kyoiku University [Vietnam]Introducing Japanese style teacher training system on primary science experiment with core science teachers and their network
SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd. [Sri Lanka] Promotion of digital mathematic learning materials for primary school students in the world
Hiroshima University [Peru]Implementing Japanese style physical education in the world for establishing teacher training system utilizing lesson studies
Giant Leap International, Inc. [Myanmar]Disseminating practical Japanese-style vocational school education system and curriculum for automobile mechanic

■ Summary of the presentation and discussion on the way forward

Attraction of Japanese style education and possibility of its overseas promotion
(Kan Suzuki, professor of Tokyo University and Yuto Kitamura, associate professor of Tokyo University)
