Nihon Fukushi University, Kansai University, and Kyoto Sangyo University

Organization Nihon Fukushi University, Kansai University, and Kyoto Sangyo University
Title Digital contents production by collaboration among Cambodian colleges and Japanese universities
City, Country Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Under the 2020 EDU-Port Japan Certified Project “Development of Home-learning Contents in Cambodia working in conjunction with two universities implementing SDG 4 and Learner-Centred ICT education”, two teachers’ training collages in Cambodia and three universities in Japan produce digital teaching material for Cambodian kids. Zoom meeting among stakeholders is conducted once a week.


  • To create opportunity for Japanese students to practice activities contributing to SDG 4 (teachers conduct lectures on characteristics of media, magical numbers and memory, etc.)
  • To brush up skills to produce digital contents.
  • To support utilization of Google-Classroom in Cambodia.
  • To practice Task-Instructed Learning, increase number of produced contents and feel achievement.
  • To practice fluent English communication through experiential learning.


Stakeholders in Cambodia and Japan work together to produce digital contents for children in Cambodia not to stop their learning due to COVID-19. Cambodian side add subtitle in Khmer on the contents produced by Japanese side and optimize them.
We also discuss about education after COVID-19 (“young population and education – more than 50% population is under 25 years old in Cambodia”, “Will poverty be overcome if TOYOTA opens in Cambodia?”, etc.)
Digital contents are designed to be utilized at schools where graduates of teacher’s training colleges work.

Contact URL of Nihon Fukushi University