The 10th Malawi National Teacher Training (INSET) was held at Nalikle College of Education on October 22-26, 2018.
Fukui University has been implementing a collaborative teacher education project “Disseminating Fukui-style education to the world” in Africa, the Middle East and Japan as 2018 EDU-Port Certified Project to organize international round table for teaching profession centers for skill development.
Approximately 300 practitioners including central and regional trainers, school teachers, and university teachers who are mainly involved in mathematics and science education in secondary school gathered from all over the country. By attending keynote speech, research presentations, roundtables and lesson study, people deepened their knowledge on “professional development of secondary science and mathematics teachers through lesson study”.
At the roundtable, participants initially looked nervous, however they gradually moved closer to each other and got excited to discuss the current situation of their areas and schools regardless of their age, gender, and positions. In addition to sharing issues, there were also several groups that discussed the prospects of inquiry-based learning and the role of the teacher’s professional learning community.
The participants commented that “it was helpful to have a chance to learn about other schools’ practices.” and “I wish we could have time and place for teachers to discuss lessons and students at our school”. In addition, Mr. Charles, one of the central trainers, stated that there is a plan to invite neighboring countries and regions to send their participants to the event next year and to develop it into an African roundtable.