Through the meetings with Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam, physical education teachers training and demonstrations in schools, Mizuno aspire to introduce our proprietary developed exercise program Hexathlon to all the public elementary schools in Vietnam. Mizuno believes this will contribute to improve the physical education classes in Vietnam, of which currently lacks to provide children the opportunities to practice movements such as “running”, “jumping” or “throwing” under the limitation of time allocated to the classes. Furthermore, we aim to share the joy of exercise with the children, to decrease health problems related to being obese and to contribute to Vietnam people’s health.
Category Physical education / Sports, School facility, Teacher education, Textbook / Material development
What we do ① Physical education program
② Sporting goods
③ Sporting facility
Countries we’ve worked Vietnam
URL https://corp.mizuno.com/en/
TEL 06-6614-8155
Email smorii@mizuno.co.jp