
It is necessary to share career education issues and to tune career education depending on the country and higher education institution. Because we have the issues of career education required by higher education institutions in Japan, and US higher education institutions have already experienced the universal stage. The Japanese version of the text has been reduced to English, and it has reached the stage where it can be tuned at the university etc. used. (This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H06196.)
Category | Career education |
What we do | 1.Career education in higher education 2.Career education in upper secondary education 3.Business practical Studies in Higher education and New employees of Business |
Countries we’ve worked | USA |
URL | https://www.setsunan.ac.jp/ |
TEL | (+81) 72-839-9220 |
m-ishii@atf.setsuan.ac.jp |