OISCA Japanese Kindergarten

OISCA Kindergarten offers Japanese-style Early Childhood Education and Care in Japanese in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Manila, Bangkok, Sriracha and Jakarta. The Philosophy  of Japanese-style Early Childhood Education and Care at OISCA Kindergarten has been adopted by the Shanghai Board of Education, and OISCA Kindergartens in each region train local staff through OJT. We are also aiming to contribute to local education by disseminating Japanese-style Early Childhood Education and Care and collaborating with researchers in Japan and overseas.
Category Early Childhood Education, School health, Teacher education, Textbook / Material development
What we do 1.Japanese-style Early Childhood Education and Care
2.Human Resourses Development
Countries we’ve worked China, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
URL http://www.oisca-youchien.com/
TEL (+81) 3-3322-5161
Email oisca.cikarang01@gmail.com