
KEI Advanced, Inc. (KEI) is the company within the Kawaijuku Group that exports the Group’s educational assets to overseas and provides public relation’s service and BPO related to entrance examinations, and various consulting services mainly for higher education in Japan. As for overseas deployment, KEI is currently delivering the Japanese-style academic achievement test (mathematics) in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, as part of a JICA project (as of January 2023).
Category | Career education, Math / Science education, Others, Teacher education |
What we do | 1.Tests development, administration and analysis 2.STEM Curriculum & text development 3.Teacher’s trainning |
Countries we’ve worked | Uzbekistan |
URL | https://www.keiadvanced.jp/en/ |
TEL | 03-5276-2744 |
jica.uz.project@keiadvanced.jp |