General Incorporated Association namstrops

Since its establishment in 2018, this organization has been engaged in supporting activities for artists and researchers to promote and advance "SOUSAKU-DANCE" and contemporary dance. As a notable overseas development project, our representative, Rumiko Takahashi (Visiting Professor at Miyazaki University/ Dance Education), has developed learning materials and instructional methods for "SOUSAKU-DANCE" during her tenure, and we provide services for their provision, sale, assessment of types and content, determination of fees, and confirmation of specifications, with appropriate management in place. In September 2022, we added the mission of "Making SOUSAKU-DANCE a global language" and embarked on a new start as a venture company originating from Miyazaki University.
Category Career education, Inclusive education, Music / Art, Physical education / Sports, Special activities / Extracurricular activities, Teacher education, Textbook / Material development
What we do 1.SOUSAKU-DANCE
2.Appreciation lessons (‘tokkatsu’ cultural activity)
3.Proactive, interactive, and authentic learning
Countries we’ve worked China, Singapore, South Korea, the United States, Romania, Laos
Person in charge COO・Toyofuku Akifumi
TEL 0985-33-9110