EDU-Port Symposium FY2023 “Expectation for International Cooperation in Education”

Amid calls for stronger collaboration with ASEAN and other countries of the Global South to build a peaceful, stable and prosperous international society, it has become increasingly important for Japan to engage in educational cooperation to meet the demands of the changing times. At this year’s EDU-Port Symposium, various stakeholders will share specific initiatives and good practices in past cooperation and discuss the future direction and expectations for EDU-Port Japan projects.

Date & Time March 12th (TUE), 2024, 14:00-17:30 JST (Reception open at 13:30)
Venue In person : Zenkokutoshikaikan Building 2F (2-4-2, Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Online : Zoom
Organizer Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Participation Fee The event is free of charge
Language Japanese with English simultaneous translation
Registration Please Register here
Registration is due March 7th at noon (JST).


■ Opening Remarks

International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MEXT

■ Guest Speech

Speaker Title
KAMEI Haruko
Director General, Human Development Department,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
International Educational Cooperation of JICA and Expectations for EDU-Port

■ Report on EDU-Port Japan Project

Reporter Title
Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba
Internationalization and quality assurance of Tokkatsu aimed at fostering non-cognitive skills in Egypt (EGYPT)
Group Manager, Music Popularization Group, Asia-Pacific Sales Division, Yamaha Corporation
Learning through implementation of Japanese style of music education and return to Japanese education (VIETNAM, INDIA, EGYPT, etc)
Professor, Chronic Care/Adult Health Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
The process of nationwide rollout of school health room system and implementation of school health checkup data management in Cambodia (CAMBODIA)

■ Panel Discussion “Expectation for International Cooperation in Education”

  • SUZUKI Kan, Professor, University of Tokyo
  • KITAMURA Yuto, Professor, University of Tokyo
  • Speakers of Guest Speech and Reports

■ Poster Sessions

Poster session at the venue by the implementing organizations of EDU-Port Japan-adapted Projects.

Poster Session Presenters (in alphabetical order)

CASIO COMPUTER Co., Ltd.  Colorbath  EDU-Mo Co., Ltd.  Ichimura High School, Nagoya University of Economics  iL BRiLLE Co., Ltd.  JACPA Co., Ltd.  Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.  MIZUNO Co., Ltd.  Nagoya Sangyo University  namstrops  Ochanomizu University  SHINKOSHUPPANSHA KEIRINKAN Co., Ltd.  SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd.  UCHIDA YOKO Co., Ltd.  University of Fukui  University of Tsukuba  Yamaha Corporation

Reference Materials

■ Flyer

■ Reference materials of the Symposium

■ Report


EDU-Port Japan Secretariat / Koei Research and Consulting.Inc
TEL (weekday 10:00-17:00 JST):03-3288-1164, 070-4284-0592, 070-2828-3257 (add +81 if you call from overseas)
