List of Projects

Supported Projects

2023 Supported Projects adopted in July

Representative organization Project name Summary
Ochanomizu University Expanding Japan’s science education curriculum in U.S. school education【USA】 Based in Bloomington Indiana Japanese Language School in the USA, this project will implement science lessons using science teaching materials developed in Japan, a private elementary and secondary educational institution. Furthermore, teachers in both countries will jointly develop teaching materials. The project also aims to expand these activities to public schools and provide high quality science education to students in schools with limited learning opportunity for observations and experiments due to management difficulties and students who are homeschooled.
Osaka Prefectural Jyoto Technology High School Improve the quality of vocational (Monozukuri or manufacturing) education in Egypt and Japan and promote mutual understanding【Egypt】 This project aims to improve the quality of vocational (Monozukuri or manufacturing) education in Egypt and Japan and promote mutual understanding through teachers learning from each other and student-to-student interaction.
Specifically, workshops will be held for the teachers of both countries on the Monozukuri education curriculum and assessment methods with a focus on safety and quality, together with opportunities for interaction by the students. Through these activities, this project seeks to contribute to the achievement of Goal 8 (Promote sustained inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all) and Goal 9 (Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Nagoya University of Economics,Ichimura Senior High School Tackling SDGs Through Interaction and Dialogue-Oriented Learning
~ Examining and Improving Awareness Among Young People~【Taiwan,Korea,Kingdom of Cambodia,Jordan】
This project aims to strengthen interactive activities between the partner schools (National FongShan Senior Commercial & Industrial Vocational School in Taiwan and Koshigaya Kita High School in Saitama) through interactive dialogue-oriented learning using ICT, and grow the self-esteem of the students of both schools.
Specifically, with the cooperation of experts, local governments and companies, students will learn about the global refugee crisis, global poverty and the initiatives aimed at solving these problems, and participate in support activities. The project will create opportunities for the students themselves to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a cross-sectional way.
iL BRiLLE Co., Ltd Study on Support in Vocational Schools for Women Involved in the Beauty Industry【Cambodia】 This project aims to form a base for growing the beauty industry in Cambodia and develop the support system for women’s economic independence through entrepreneurship. Specifically, it will provide Cambodian women with advanced skills and accurate knowledge in the field of beauty through educational activities at vocational training centers. The project will also support women’s economic independence through entrepreneurship by offering a course on business and establishing new official qualification upon completion of the program.
UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. Using ICT and printed materials to stem the tide of children in Cambodia dropping out of elementary school【Cambodia】 This project aims to have children acquire basic academic skills using ICT teaching materials and printed materials and lower the rate of elementary school children in Cambodia repeating a grade. Specifically, leveraging the results of EDU-Port Japan certified and supported projects over the past three years, the project will provide video materials that promote intuitive understanding and a learning site that promotes the acquisition of basic academic skills, and repetitive practices using printed materials. In addition, discussions will be held with teachers in the target schools on specific measures to reduce the rate of children repeating a grade.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. Project on support for expansion and establishment of inquiry-based mathematics education in Indonesia and Thailand【Indonesia, Thailand】 This project aims to develop a methodology to expand and establish classroom practices that will contribute to improvement in independent learning and mathematical thinking skills, by revising and using teaching materials, etc. based on the results and improvements of inquiry-based lessons using scientific calculators developed and verified in the 2021 EDU-Port supported project. Through these activities, this project will contribute to the ‘development of human resources who can think and learn for themselves’ set out in the education policies of both target countries.
GAKKEN HOLDINGS CO., LTD. A feasibility study on expanding Japanese-style storytelling incorporating digital media (Digital Storytelling) in Vietnam【Vietnam】 In this project, Japanese-style storytelling activities will be conducted and seminars for teachers will be held with a view to popularizing children’s books for schools, and the effects will be verified. A growing number of families in Vietnam are sending their children to cram schools to learn to read and write before they start school, creating a situation in which the economic divide between households is leading to an education divide. This project aims to correct that divide.
Castalia Co., Ltd. Mobile training for teachers in Ethiopia【Ethiopia】 This project aims to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of teacher training using smartphones in Ethiopia, a country where it is difficult to train teachers face-to-face. Specifically, we will create mobile training content to enable teachers to acquire the necessary knowledge to teach the new ‘Experiment’ unit which was added to the subjects taught at secondary school under the curriculum revision, provide the training and analyze the post-training data. We aim to devise ways of enabling teachers to keep on learning until they reach a certain level and expand the training to other subjects.
Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. Project contributing to improving the academic skills of orphaned children in support facilities in the Republic of Uganda【Uganda】 This project will introduce the Kumon learning method for arithmetic and mathematics using tablets in the ‘Terakoya program (offers same curriculum as public primary schools)’ implemented at Rainbow House, a support facility for bereaved children run by NGO Ashinaga Uganda. Local terakoya teachers and Japanese Exchange Students (university students) sent from Japan by Ashinaga Ikueikai (Ashinaga Foundation) will act as teachers.
Through these activities, the project aims to contribute to improvement in the academic skills and non-cognitive abilities of orphaned children who are unable to attend elementary school or who have dropped out of school.
JACPA Co., Ltd. Development of Japanese-style physical education classes in Vietnam【Vietnam】 In this project, we will dispatch our own full-time instructors to kindergartens in the target country and provide physical education classes in which the children can develop their physical strength while consciously enjoying physical activity. We will also hold events, such as parent-child keep-fit classes, as well as seminars for teachers on building children’s healthy minds and bodies. In addition, we aim to conduct living surveys and physical fitness tests of preschool children and use the results to develop and expand community-based programs in harmony with local conditions and needs.
SuRaLa Net Co.,Ltd. Verifying the results of academic ability development and non-cognitive skills development through digital arithmetic learning and teacher training【Indonesia , Sri Lanka , and Egypt】 This project aims to verify whether digital education rolled out in three countries where post-Covid academic skills recovery is an issue are linked to improvement of basic academic skills and of non-cognitive abilities. Specifically, the project will roll out and measure the effects of lessons tailored to individual abilities using digital arithmetic teaching materials with implementation of teacher training to ensure effective teaching. In addition, Japan and the target countries will hold a joint arithmetic contest to enhance students’ learning and broaden students’ global perspective.
Japan Overseas Educational Services Studying inquiry-based learning in a new learning environment aimed at solving global issues【Kenya and Ethiopia】 This project will provide interaction relating to environmental education between local schools in Kenya and Ethiopia, Japanese educational institutions overseas and schools in Japan, centered around JOES Davos Next (a keynote speech by an expert and a collaborative event by children in various countries), and roll out group work sessions and online joint school classes using ‘a collaborative worksheet that transcends time difference’. Through these activities, the project will develop a learning method in which children all over the world take an interest in global issues, discuss them with their peers and cooperate in tackling them towards the common goal of ‘achieving SDGs’, and contribute to improving the quality of education.
Specified nonprofit corporation Colorbath Verifying the use of digital teaching materials in schools and improvement in the quality of learning【Nepal】 This project aims to verify ways of how to use constantly evolving digital technology in the classroom to improve the quality of learning. Specifically, as well as examining the current state of schools in Nepal, the project will conduct lesson studies, a distinctively Japanese approach, introduce ways of encouraging students to study on their own, provide lessons tailored to individual abilities, share practices among Nepalese teachers, study ways of improving the quality of students’ proactive learning and consider the concept of rulemaking.
General Incorporated Association namstrops Project for overseas expansion of ‘SHIN-SOUSAKU-DANCE’ that combines ‘appreciation lessons’ (‘tokkatsu’ cultural activity) with Japanese-style educational ‘SOUSAKU-DANCE’【China, Singapore, and Korea】 This project will introduce to foreign countries ‘independent and interactive deep learning’ combining cultural ‘appreciation lessons’ that gradually deepen a sense of belonging to a group and feelings of solidarity, with SOUSAKU-DANCE in PE class, as SHIN-SOUSAKU-DANCE, a model for expanding Japanese-style education. Specifically, while providing an opportunity for Japanese schools and dance instructors in the target countries to engage in appreciation lessons and creative dance, the project will co-create a model that the stakeholders involved in the project can easily expand in their respective country or region and contribute to cultivating rich sensitivity in the children who participate.

2023 Supported Projects adopted in January

Representative organization Project name Summary
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. Inquiry-based mathematics education project in Egypt【Egypt】 In collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Egypt, where the importance of inquiry-based instruction is increasing along with curriculum reform, this project will plan and implement teacher training in which teachers can experience simulation-supported inquiry-based lessons, and support the implementation of inquiry-based lessons by trained teachers. The project aims to improve students’ mathematical thinking skills through the realization of inquiry-based lessons in which students themselves learn independently using scientific calculators. The results of this project will be also reported to cooperating universities in Japan to contribute to the development of inquiry-based instruction methods in Japan.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. Practical mathematics learning projects in Bangladesh【Bangladesh】 The new curriculum for grades 8 to 9 to be introduced in Bangladesh in 2024 emphasizes “practical learning that promotes better understanding of subjects.” This project, therefore, will provide a teaching package that combines Japan’s hands-on learning (learning linked to daily life and society) and learning methods that use scientific calculators which are popular in Bangladesh. Through dissemination and use of the package, the project aims to realize education in which students acquire sound judgment and are able to apply what they have learned to society. The results of this project will be also reported to collaborating universities in Japan to contribute to the development of practical teaching methods in Japan.
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of Japanese-style music education in primary education in Colombia【Colombia】 In collaboration with the Colombian Ministry of Culture, this project will conduct pilot lessons in Japanese-style music education using recorders for children at 30 public elementary schools. In the class, “musical instruments”, which is one of the characteristics of Japanese-style music education, is mainly used as well as singing, music appreciation, and music making. By adopting collaboration and exploration in the class, the project will realize “proactive, interactive, and authentic learning” overseas to contribute to globalize Japanese-style education. In addition, in partnership with a Japanese education support company, the project will measure what kind of “Non-Cognitive Skills” Japanese-style music education can foster in children. Through these activities, this project aims to expand evidence-based Japanese-style music education overseas and improve the quality of education in public schools in Colombia.


2022  Supported Projects adopted in June

Representative organization Project name Summary
IC Net Limited Project of Improving Science Education utilizing Science
Experiment Kits in Turkey【Turkey】
Through collaboration with local teachers and trials in partner schools, this project will make the science education contents of Japan into contents suitable for Turkish primary and secondary education curriculum and daily classes. By providing the education kit and teaching method as a set, this project aims to increase opportunities for experimentation, introduce hypothesis based lessons, and improve the quality of science education to develop higher-order thinking skills.
UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. Findings in Covid Era reward new Japan-Cambodia ICT Future Classroom【Cambodia】 This project aims to integrate knowledge gained by Cambodian teachers in online classes during COVID-19 pandemic with new Japanese-style education (GIGA-School and interactive learning), share the knowledge to learning platforms and develop them into collaborative daily classes. Specifically, this project will share the online learning experiences in Japan and Cambodia, conduct exchanges between elementary schools, high schools, and universities in both countries, and create an opportunity for university students from both countries to participate together in an international presentation competition.
SHINKOSHUPPANSHA KEIRINKAN Co., Ltd. Math Proficiency Improvement Project using ICT tool of Japanese method【Philippines】 This project will introduce “Smart Lecture”, a combined paper-digital teaching tool, to public and private elementary and secondary schools in the Philippines to verify its effectiveness. Through improving math skills of students, this project aims to contribute to building a productive workforce that is the essential condition for industrial development and sustainable economic growth.
SPRIX Corp. Introducing “Forestanet” – a platform for teachers to share Japanese-style education – in Vietnam【Vietnam】 “Forestanet” is an online platform among Japanese teachers to share their teaching methods (e.g. how to write on the blackboard, sample handouts, etc.), classroom management skills (e.g. how to maintain classroom environment, how to develop students’ capacity, etc.) and others. This project aims to establish Vietnamese version of the “Forestanet” system to encourage information-sharing among Vietnamese teachers and university students who want to become teachers by translating various contents created by Japanese teachers into Vietnamese and upload them to the “Forestanet”.
SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd. Creation of diverse learning opportunities through collaboration between Sri Lanka and Japan【Sri Lanka】 This project aims to enhance learning support that is inclusive for the impoverished people in Sri Lanka, where social disruption is also growing due to COVID-19 and worsening economic conditions. To expand collaboration with educational institutions and NGOs, this project will hold a seminar to introduce initiatives utilizing digital education. Additionally, Digital Math Contest incorporating Japanese-style math education will be held as an international competition among SuRaLa operating countries including Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Furthermore, an event in which Japanese students will also compete by the amount of learning will be held, thereby fostering independence and an international perspective in students of participating countries through exchange among participants including those from Sri Lanka and Japan.
MIZUNO Corporation Mizuno HEXATHLON program for introduction into the public primary education system in Vietnam【Vietnam】 This project aims to introduce a physical exercise program which was uniquely developed to all public primary schools in Vietnam, through discussions with the Ministry of Education and Training, training of instructors, demonstration in pilot schools, and other efforts. It is expected to improve physical education lessons in Vietnam, which currently is weak in providing children the opportunities to practice movements such as “running”, “jumping” or “throwing” under the limitation of time allocated to classes. This project further seeks to bring the joy and happiness of doing sports and to contribute to mitigating health problems, particularly obesity, and improving health.
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of Japanese-style music education in primary education in Egypt【Egypt】 For third grade of Egyptian-Japanese School (EJS) which has no music subject, this project will create teaching materials based on Japanese-style music education, conduct music teacher training, and introduce music classes. For fourth grade which has music classes without instrumental music curriculum, this project will provide teacher training and recorder lessons by expanding the number of pilot schools. Through these activities, this project further seeks to contribute to the achievement of Goal 4, 10, 16 and 17 of SDGs in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of Japanese-style instrumental music education in primary education in Brazil【Brazil】 To support the promotion of holistic education in Brazil, this project will provide around 300 students with Japanese-style instrumental music education using recorders at 20 public primary schools in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil. Based on the 10 competencies that the Ministry of Education in Brazil has set as the “Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)”, this project will conduct a research about what kind of “non-cognitive skills” can be nurtured by Japanese-style instrumental music education with cities and universities in Brazil and Japanese university. Through the collaboration with private industry, government, and academia, this project further seeks to contribute to the achievement of Goal 4, 10, 16 and 17 of SDGs.
LabHok Co., Ltd. Online assessment exams of high-school students’ academic ability【Viet Nam】 This project will develop and run an online exam to assess the academic ability of high school students. The online exam enables students to compare and evaluate their capacity across schools and provinces, eases the burden on teachers, which helps overcome the teacher shortage and uneven teaching quality and assists in optimized learning and teaching opportunities. This project helps students expand their possibilities and contributes to nurturing excellent international human resources in Viet Nam.

2022 Supported Projects adopted in November

Representative organization Project name Summary
Indiana Global Learning Center Development of model curriculum of food science and implementation of Japanese-style science education【Republic of Peru】 This project will improve and continue the contents of two existing courses (“Sake Studies” and “Japanese Tea Studies”), which are the subjects of sake and Japanese tea offered at the Catholic University of Santa María (UCSM) in Peru.
The project will also develop new subjects (“Taste and Aroma” and “Traditional Food and Food Pairing”) that focus on the content that has been part of both subjects so far. At the same time, the project will develop textbooks corresponding to these subjects and supplementary teaching materials for experimental practice.
EDU-Mo Co., Ltd. Education for International Understanding through collaborative learning for Well-Being【Republic of Senegal】 This project will provide elementary, junior high, and high school students in Senegal and Japan with Education for International Understanding to learn, think, and solve domestic problems of both countries on their own initiative.
This project aims to improve the quality of education in Senegal (teachers, teaching methods, use of ICT, etc.). On the Japanese side, by providing opportunities to experience different cultures from childhood, the project will contribute to improvement of problem-solving skills and development of human resources for internationalization of both countries.
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of Japanese-style music education in primary education in India【Republic of India】 This project will provide around 580 students with Japanese-style instrumental music education using recorders at 10 public primary schools in collaboration with the Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE). In addition, for those affiliated schools where instrumental music education has not been introduced so far, the project will continue to provide teacher training for music teachers, focusing on how to play the recorder and use the teaching method of holistic education. Through these activities, the project further seeks to contribute to improving of the quality for music education in public primary schools in India.

2021 Supported Projects adopted in June

Representative organization Project name Summary
Kikutake Gakuen and Nagoya Sangyo University Systematic support for afforestation studies in Vietnamese school education【Vietnam】 The aim of this project is to systematically support studies on afforestation with high CO₂ absorption capacity by elementary, junior high and senior high schools in Vietnam.
Support will be provided for studies on afforestation with high CO₂ absorption capacity as a means of studying the development of photosynthesis experiments at senior high schools, and photosynthesis experiments with plants at elementary and junior high schools using CO₂ sensors and audio-visual aids. Furthermore, this project will promote mutual understanding and the fostering of global citizenship through inter-school exchanges between Japan and Vietnam.
NPO MIYAZAKI C-DANCE CENTER Online exporting Japanese-style dance education known as “SOUSAKU-DANCE”【People’s Republic of China, Romania, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Australia】 This project is an outgrowth of the 2017 pilot project, “Exporting Japanese-style dance education “SOUSAKU-DANCE” that combines body formation and art experience”, and aims to make it more sustainable due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of this project is to develop global human resources that can contribute to society while creating new value through online connections with other countries that have diverse values, such as China. It will allow exporting “SOUSAKU-DANCE” (activities in which small groups work together to creatively and innovatively tackle problems for which there is no right answer) online to overseas countries, and importing back the possibility of new collaboration between artists and teachers and distance learning in physical education.
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. Pilot project for inquiry-based mathematics education in Indonesia and Thailand【Indonesia and Thailand】 The aim of this project is to achieve independent learning of students and improve their mathematical thinking skills through inquiry-based mathematics education using scientific calculators.
The education policies of both target countries promote the development of human resources who can think and learn for themselves. Therefore, in this project, we will create a model case to raise 21st century skills (critical thinking, problem-solving skills etc.) and international competitive human resources, by developing and implementing inquiry-based classes for students in upper secondary education together with teachers and others.
Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. Project of academic skills development at elementary schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi【Emirate of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)】 The aim of this project is to make a contribution to improving academic skills and non-cognitive abilities at schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
School teachers instruct Kumon method during class hours with Kumon e-learning system. The school and Kumon will continuously review, discuss and improve the implementation of the Kumon method together under the school’s curriculum in order to create a steady learning effect.
Kansai University Roll-out of hands-on technical education through enhanced practical subjects and improving faculty member’s skills【Kingdom of Bhutan】 The aim of this project is to deliver hands-on technical education by improving the leadership skills of eligible teaching staff, in addition to direct practical coaching for students.
One of the characteristics of Japanese-style technical education is that there is not an emphasis on just theory, instead students enhance their practical skills and gain application skills. In Kingdom of Bhutan, it is difficult to make students feel the effectiveness of technical education due to the issue of technical skills of teaching staff and technical staff. This project will develop human resources with advanced teaching skills with the goal of making students feel that technological capabilities can help improve their daily lives.
JACPA Co., Ltd. Development of Japanese-style physical education classes in Vietnam by local subsidiary Jacpa Vietnam Co., Ltd.【Vietnam】 The aim of this project is to provide Japanese-style physical education classes that foster healthy bodies and minds while respecting local traditional values and perceptions.
Regular guidance is given during the childcare hours of kindergartens, and physical education classes are provided at which “children can take lessons at the kindergarten they attend” using kindergarten facilities after childcare hours finish. Cooperation is given in kindergarten management using developed know-how, and support is provided for the physical and mental growth of local children through physical activities using mats, vaulting boxes, iron bars, balance beam, balls, jump ropes, etc., which are not commonly used in kindergartens in Vietnam.
Insect Resources Technology Inc. Nippon Middle East Friendship Silk Project【United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar】 The purpose of this project is to enable children in Japan and in countries in the Middle East to raise the Japanese silkworm known as Koishimaru, experience each other’s culture, deepen international understanding and friendship between them through interactions, and also to develop the children as international human resources.
ICT-based interactions will also cover topics related to the SDGs, such as education, culture and industry. This project will seek to deepen friendly relations with oil-producing countries, which act as a lifeline for Japan, through Japanese-style education.

2021 Supported Projects adopted in November

Representative organization Project name Summary
Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd. STEAM education project for young children incorporating features of Japanese early childhood education 【Vietnam】 A good quality STEAM education curriculum for young children that fosters logical thinking and self-expression, which are the foundations of learning, will be developed and promoted.
The project will be implemented in collaboration with the counterparts, such as improving the teaching skills of nursery teachers in charge of lessons, involving the nursery teachers of the model kindergartens in the development of the curriculum and teaching materials, and completing the curriculum based on feedback from the children and principals of model kindergartens.
Through these activities, the quality of early childhood education in Vietnam will be enhanced, contributing to the upbringing of the next generation who will shoulder the sustainable society.
Pacific International Academy Global Co., Ltd. Management of kodomoen (center for early childhood education and care) that provides Japanese-style early childhood education and training of teaching staff 【Vietnam】 Early childhood educators (kindergarten teachers, nursery teachers, and university teachers and students specializing in early childhood education) in Japan and Vietnam will visit facilities in each other’s countries and exchange information and opinions through hands-on training in Japanese-style early childhood education.
In tandem with the above, opinions will be exchanged and kindergarten children will interact online.
The hands-on and online training will not only enhance the teaching skills of local teachers, but also promote mutual understanding through human resources development and strengthen the relationship between early childhood experts in Japan and Vietnam.