List of Pilot Projects

■ Posters of Pilot Projects

Outlines and outputs of the Pilot Projects can be referred from the following link.

  • Pilot Projects adopted in 2019 and 2020
    March 2021
  • Pilot Projects adopted in 2018 and 2019
    March 2020
  • Pilot Projects adopted in 2017 and 2018
    March 2019
  • Pilot Projects adopted in 2016 and 2017
    March 2018


■ List of Pilot Projects

After reviewing the applications of 19 projects, 4 projects were adopted as “2020 EDU-Port Certified Project”, and 10 projects were adopted as “2020 EDU-Port Supported Project”.


2020 EDU-Port Pilot Projects

After reviewing the applications of 19 projects, 4 projects were adopted as “2020 EDU-Port Certified Project”, and 10 projects were adopted as “2020 EDU-Port Supported Project”. The applications were reviewed by an executive committee composed of external experts, and projects were adopted based on the review results.

2020 EDU-Port Japan Certified Project

Project name Summary
University of Fukui “Disseminating Fukui-style Education to the World”– Teacher Training Collaboration Project in Africa and Japan【Africa region】 This project focuses on cultivating professional learning communities and networks that are essential in 21st century learning and for teachers’ continuous professional development in order to support the professional capital of teachers from African regions. Such a vision can be achieved through (a) the expansion of initial roundtable initiatives organized in Malawi and Uganda to become the ‘African Roundtable’, and (b) the creation of an international teacher professional development program in collaboration with Nalikule College of Education, Malawi. Furthermore, resulting professional knowledge will be utilized for training and workshops at the International Teacher Development Center, University of Fukui.
Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd. Development of ”Home-learning Contents” in Cambodia working in conjunction with two universities implementing SDGs-4 and Learner-Centered ICT education【Cambodia】 Our consortium is focusing on enhancing English learning methods at the Phnom Penh Teacher Education College and Siem Reap Teacher Training College using Japan-made video-clips for elementary schools. We show how ICT can be used to implement guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan, focusing on group-work and interactions through hands-on training sessions. At the same time, video-shoots of their activities will be used as part of further Home-Learning contents. We also expect Japanese schools will join this project under the banner of SDGs4 by sharing some online contents.
SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd. Project on enhancement of emergency measures and digital learning in Sri Lanka【Sri Lanka】 “Education Continuity Plan” (ECP; ECP is a concept under which schools take necessary preparations to enable them to continue operations in case of emergency anticipating any potential risks, like COVID-19, terrorism, natural disasters, etc. in the coming future.) and “Digitalization of Education” play important roles in circumstances when schools may have to stop operations due to potential risks in Sri Lanka. In this context, this project takes initiatives to promote digital learning and disseminate ECP in Sri Lanka. It also acts as a catalyst to connect educational institutions in Sri Lanka with those in Japan.
NPO Colorbath Online Glocal Program between schools in Malawi and Japan.
-Active interaction by students and teachers-【Malawi】
This project provides students and teachers from both Malawi and Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, with opportunities for online/offline communication. We introduce to Malawi teachers Japanese class-management methods in order to help them to manage classes efficiently, even with 100 students in a class. Through ICT training and the online communication programs between Malawi and Japanese students, we encourage Malawi teachers to implement Japanese-style class-management techniques.

2020 EDU-Port Japan Supported Project

Project name Summary
Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions Co., Ltd. Supporting kindergartens in Vietnam through teacher capacity development and provision of information【Vietnam】 This project prepares kindergarten teachers to introduce Japanese-style pre-school education methods in Vietnam. It will provide kindergartens with support in both “soft” aspects (teacher training and information sharing) and “hard” aspects (advice on kindergarten design, safety design and playground equipment) under the brand name of “The ShoPro Method”. This project aims at enhancing the quality of pre-school education in Vietnam through the capacity development of kindergarten teachers.
SPRIX, Ltd. Introducing “Forestanet” – a platform for teachers to share Japanese-style education – in Vietnam【Vietnam】 “Forestanet” is an interactive website among Japanese teachers to share their teaching methods (e.g. how to write on the blackboard, sample handouts, etc.), classroom management skills (e.g. how to maintain classroom environment, how to develop students’ capacity, etc.) and others. This project provides Vietnamese teachers and students with those contents by translating them into the local language. In addition, the project develops a Vietnamese version of the “Forestanet” system to encourage information-sharing among local teachers.
Human Holdings Co., Ltd. Developing a global model for pre-school education to provide “education + childcare” based on Japanese experience
The Project aims at developing a pre-school education package based on our company’s experience operating nursery schools in Japan and introducing it to Indonesia and other countries. The package consists of “child-care methods” in accordance with the developmental age of infants, “class management methods” including infants’ volunteer work during morning meetings, and “learning contents” such as English and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), which are required by future global society.
Mizuno Corporation Mizuno HEXATHLON program for introduction into the public primary education system in Vietnam【Vietnam】 The project aims at introducing a physical exercise program to all public primary schools in Vietnam, which was uniquely developed through discussions with the Ministry of Education and Training and involved the training of instructors, demonstration in pilot schools, and other efforts. It aims to help to improve physical education lessons in Vietnam, which are limited in time allocated and lack run-jump-throw elements. The project further seeks to bring the joy and happiness of doing sports and to contribute to mitigating health threats, particularly obesity, and improving health.
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of Japanese-style Instrumental Music Education in Primary Education in Egypt【Egypt】 In cooperation with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Egypt, the project introduces interactive trial lessons with Japanese-style instrumental music education at 10 Egypt-Japan Schools and trains teachers to foster students’ non-cognitive skills including cooperation, self-esteem, discipline and motivation, which are prioritized by the Egyptian government. Through those activities, the project aims to contribute to the achieving of SDGs Goal 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunity for all”.
Lifesupport Co., Ltd. Japanese-style pre-school education in English in the Philippines
【Republic of the Philippines】
The Project provides Japanese-style pre-school education in English to local and international children in the Philippines to foster humanity through a holistic approach of “solid academic ability, rich humanity and a healthy body”. Furthermore, the project trains teachers to conduct Japanese-style pre-school education in English and expands this educational model to other Asian countries. Through those activities, we are aiming to contribute to the achieving of SDGs Goal 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunity for all”.
Indonesian Education Promoting Foundation Project for development and dissemination of the new subject “Environment” and retraining of school teachers in Indonesia
In close cooperation with the Curriculum Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia, this project develops a teachers’ guidebook for the junior high school subject on the “Environment,” improves “Environmental Education” for elementary and junior high schools in South Tangerang, and retrains teachers through workshops. The workshops contribute to the improvement of the ability of teachers to conduct interactive lessons, not only in “Environment”, but also in other subjects, based on the “Lesson Study” method in Japan.
Research institute of law of the Asia- Pacific region (RILAP) Legal education by dispatching experts to educational institutions in Vietnam【Vietnam】 This project dispatches experts (university professors or Japanese attorneys at law) to Vietnam Japan University (VJU) and Vietnam-Japan Cooperative Center (VJCC) in order to provide Vietnamese students and employees of Japanese companies with lectures concerning commercial laws.
“Establishing a Japanese-style sports meet day (UNDOKAI) in the school curriculum of Rwanda” 【Rwanda】
The Rwandan genocide is considered one of the “greatest tragedies of the 20th century”. After the Rwanda genocide, people have been slowly moving toward reconciliation and cooperation while still traumatized by the tragedy. The purpose of this project is to introduce Japanese-style UNDOKAI in the school curriculum in Rwanda in order to promote peace and to foster human resources who will lead the future. To achieve this purpose, the project establishes a model school that has the capability to organize UNDOKAI and whose teachers and students understand its significance.
World Vision Japan Improving life skills through Tokkatsu for Syrian child refugees and Jordanian children【Jordan】 World Vision Japan has been implementing a remedial education program in Irbid, in the northern part of Jordan, which hosts a number of Syrian refugees. As a part of the program, this project introduces “Tokkatsu” (special activities conducted in Japanese schools) including classroom activities, club activities and school events. Through these activities, the project aims to improve the life skills of Syrian child refugees and Jordanian children, strengthen their resilience as well as mitigate discrimination on the basis of nationality, and promote social cohesion.


2019 EDU-Port Pilot Projects

After reviewing the applications of 12 projects, 2 projects were adopted as “2019 EDU-Port Certified Project”, and 3 projects were adopted as “2019 EDU-Port Supported Project”. The applications were reviewed by an executive committee composed of external experts, and projects were adopted based on the review results.

2019 EDU-Port Japan Certified Project

Project name Summary
Nippon Sport Science University Development of Physical Education teaching guideline for primary school teachers in Uganda【Uganda】 The project will develop teaching guideline and train teachers of primary schools on physical education (PE) in Uganda by conducting several workshops in order to improve the current situation that PE incorporated in curriculum is not taught as desired. In the teaching guideline, by applying the context of Ugandan primary schools as well as Japanese PE experience and knowledge, this project will develop the guideline which primary school teachers can utilize in their PE lessons. The contents of the teaching guideline should match with both the government educational goals and the reality at the ground. As for the workshop, it will be held for teachers to acquire practical skill and knowledge of how to implement lessons using the teaching guideline. Through these activities, the project aims to establish a system where primary school teachers can continue to conduct PE lessons by themselves.
Specified Nonprofit Corporation 10000people Community meeting Promoting Educational Innovation in Egypt through learning from Japanese-style KOMINKAN management and social education 【Egypt】 Learning from experiences of Japanese-style KOMINKAN in social learning and collaboration with local communities, this project will create a model of educational innovation in Egypt that links school education and social learning. Promoting lifelong learning including entrepreneurship activities, the project will contribute to solve social and educational challenges by establishing a system to raise coordinators who can facilitate the learning and operating Japanese-style KOMINKAN.

2019 EDU-Port Japan Supported Project

Project name Summary
Kansai University Introduction of Japanese-style “Technical Education for Practical Use” with adequate practical classes and collaborative activities with communities
One of the characteristics of Japanese technical education is to combine theories and hands-on skills. In Bhutan, due to insufficient laboratories and equipment to conduct practical classes, it is often difficult for teachers and technical staff to make students realize the effectiveness of technical education. To achieve “Technical Education for Practical Use”, the project supports collaborative activities with communities and aims to develop human resources with strong interest in improving technical skills.
Educa & Quest Inc. Introduction of Japanese-style career education that makes proactive, interactive and deep learning and establish its system in Vietnam 【Vietnam】 By providing young people in local communities with our career education programs, in which real company cases are presented, we will realize proactive, interactive and deep learning, establish self-view of one’s own career and promote deep understanding of Japanese companies. We aim to contribute to the economic growth of both Japan and Vietnam by linking those young people with Japanese companies for their employment. The project plans to establish a system to continuously supply human resources and contribute to SDGs Goal 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth” and Goal 4 “Quality Education”.
ANA Strategic Research Institute Co., Ltd. Leadership development of primary school teachers in Myanmar
The teaching approach often observed in Myanmar is memorizing educational contents by recital and rote memorization. To transform such approach to Student-Centered Approach (SCA) in which students themselves think and seek for answers, it is quite important to change the mindset of teachers and enhance their capacities. By introducing simplified “IGO” and “Rugby” into primary schools, the project aims to enhance teachers’ capacities by establishment of a system where teachers and students communicate with each other and students develop their creativity and concentration abilities. Since 2018, we have been conducting such training program for primary school teachers in Ayeyarwaddy district. In the future, we aim to propose the nationwide introduction of the program to Ministry of Education (Science and Technology) in Myanmar.


2018 EDU-Port Pilot Projects

After reviewing the applications of 59 projects, 12 projects (2 projects as consortium and 10 projects as individual) were adopted as “2018 EDU-Port Certified Project”, and 10 projects were adopted as “2018 EDU-Port Supported Project”. The applications were reviewed by an executive committee composed of external experts, and projects were adopted based on the review results.

2018 EDU-Port Certified Projects

Project name Summary
Osaka Kyoiku University Partnership organizations
・Osaka Science Education Network Association (OSENA)
Introducing Japanese style teacher training system on primary science experiment with core science teachers and their network 【Vietnam】 This project aims at enhancing capacity of teachers and improving students’ understanding on science in Vietnam, by introducing school-based in-service teacher training which contributes to quality primary science (experiments) education in Japan. The project develops experiment training packages and establishes training bases by utilizing Japanese experience to train core science teachers and form their network.
O-hara College of Business Partnership organizations
・Tata Consultancy Services Japan, Ltd.
・Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd.
・JTEX Management Center Co.,Ltd.
・Nara Women’s University Secondary School
Human resources development merging the best contents of Indian and Japanese vocational training in accordance with needs of enterprises 【India】 The project purpose is to develop contents for human resources development to meet the needs of both Indian and Japanese enterprises. This project conducts surveys to grasp the current situation of local vocational training centers, their graduates, and their employers, and tries out a Japanese style educational program in India to validate its effectiveness. The project aims at creating new educational value by merging excellent elements of Indian educational contents and essence of Japanese’s educational contents based on enterprise needs.

Project name Summary
Shinshu University Enriching practice and research on Ecohealth education through introduction of Japanese style teacher training and research system 【Laos】 This project supports dissemination of Ecohealth education throughout teacher training colleges in Laos by teacher training involving ICT and active learning, and also on the basis of knowledge and experiences by practice and research on environmental education and health education in Japan, stemming from lessons learned from tragic victims of environmental pollution. Ecohealth education, which is promoting health and sustainability using Japan’s experiences globally, is aiming to realize harmonious relationships between social development, ecosystem, human livelihood and human health. This project is conducted in cooperation with several Japanese universities, teacher training colleges and their affiliated schools in Laos. Training is conducted to enhance teachers and students’ knowledge on Ecohealth, to motivate them to teach, and to improve their ability to plan and implement activities in schools and communities. This project also contributes to strengthening teacher training colleges’ research function for sustainable development of Ecohealth education in Laos.
University of Fukui “Disseminating Fukui-style education to the world” by teacher training collaboration project in Africa, Middle East and Japan 【Africa, Middle east】 Formation of professional learning community / network for the schools in the 21st century and teacher learning, which supports capacity development of teachers in Africa and Middle East regions. For that purpose, this project organizes international roundtables in both regions and sets up teaching development centers in Malawi and Egypt. Furthermore, based on the knowledge gained through these activities, International Teacher Development Center will be established as a center for practice sharing on lesson development and school development which are two pillars that support school education in Japan.
Hiroshima University Japanese style physical education to the world【Peru】 Lesson hours of physical education in elementary school increased from 2 hours per week to 3 hours per week in Peru. One of the pressing challenges is to equip teachers for appropriate lesson implementation. This project provides knowledge and skills of Japanese physical education and establish in-service teacher training system utilizing lesson study to support capacity development of physical education teachers in Peru.
Chiba Institute of Technology Introduction of robotics education program to Vietnam National University – University of Engineering and Technology for Supporting educational contents including curriculum and teacher training 【Vietnam】 Based on the partnership agreement, Chiba Institute of Technology supports Vietnam National University – University of Engineering and Technology to establish Department of Robotics by providing educational contents including curriculum and teacher training. Taking human resources development, technology transfer, and industrial development into consideration, this project aims at making the department internationally competitive by introduction of Japanese-style education.
Giant Leap International, Inc. Disseminating practical Japanese-style vocational school education system and curriculum for automobile mechanic in Myanmar 【Myanmar】 This project develops human resources in accordance with National Skill Standard (NSS) at GLORY Career Training Centre, Yangon, where Okayama Institute of Science and Technology implements automobile mechanic courses by (1) creating internship opportunities for students in local industry, (2) conducting seminars, and (3) developing curriculum based in accordance with NSS. This project aims at increasing the number of graduates studying in Japan and employed by Japanese companies, and establishing high standard automobile mechanic course.
Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions Co. Ltd. Supporting kindergartens in Vietnam through teacher capacity development and provision of information【Vietnam】 This project prepares kindergarten teachers who can practice Japanese style pre-school education methods in Vietnam. It will provide kindergartens with support in both “soft” aspect (teacher training and information sharing) and “hard” aspect (advice on kindergarten design, safety design and playground equipment) under the brand name of “The ShoPro Method”. This project aims at enhancing quality of pre-school education in Vietnam through capacity development of kindergarten teachers.
SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd. Promotion of digital mathematic learning materials for primary school students in the world 【Sri Lanka】 This project provides tutorial schools and schools in Sri Lanka and other Asian countries with digital learning materials, namely “Surala Ninja!” which motivates primary school students to study and enjoy interactive conversation with Japanese animation characters. It accustoms students to self-study and to Japanese-style “discipline” and “manners”, and enhances their learning achievement while improving teachers’ skills to operate e-learning.
Z-Kai Inc.
Z-kai Holdings Inc.
Solving social problems through enhancing health, welfare, and understanding on culture and manners starting from Japanese style food and health education【Vietnam】 To mitigate children’s health issues such as obesity and malnutrition in cities of Vietnam, this project provides primary school students with Japanese-style home economics lessons including cooking activities. Reducing obesity and enhancing health awareness contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages). Starting from food education, this project aims at strengthening relationship between Vietnam and Japan by enhancing mutual understanding of both cultures and introducing Japanese-style discipline and manners.
IC Net Limited Establishing Japanese-style curriculum management model by introducing new textbooks and assessment 【Papua New Guinea】 This project develops an assessment tool in accordance with new textbooks and evaluates students’ achievement using feedback sheets in Papua New Guinea (PNG). New textbook development has been supported by Japanese Development Assistance. The project will introduce PDCA cycle of curriculum (development, implementation, and evaluation), ideas and methods of curriculum management in PNG which are applied in school education in Japan.
Platform for Sustainable Education and Community “School centered Community Revitalization” in the world for Sustainable Development School Project in Bhutan 【Bhutan】 This project expands “School centered Community Revitalization (Sustainable Development School Project)” in Bhutan, which started from the small town of Ama, Shimane Prefecture and has spread all over Japan. This project encourages schools and communities to foster “people who are responsible for future of community” by efforts such as project-based learning, community club activities, and 21st century style “TERAKOYA” (learning center). It contributes to create a new flow of people from urban to rural areas and develop sustainable communities.

2018 EDU-Port Supported Projects

Project name Summary
Hiroshima University Supporting establishment of Japanese-style system for editing and utilizing social studies textbooks by connecting publishing company and Teacher Education College in Cambodia 【Cambodia】 This project establishes a system for editing and utilizing textbooks in Cambodia, based on Japanese-style education. It is textbook-oriented in Cambodian context, but realizes not only understanding of subject contents but also children’s inquiry-based learning and teachers’ autonomous research on teaching materials. Its main activity is human resources development including curriculum and textbook development, editing and publication of textbooks, and pre-service and in-service teacher training. This project aims at fostering editors who can plan and publish new social studies textbooks, and teachers who can utilize such textbooks.
Kagawa University Development of Japanese style pre-service training model for nursing teachers based on school health system in Cambodia 【Cambodia】 This project supports Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Cambodia to implement pre-service teacher training for nursing teachers. Main project activities are composed of training in Japan to introduce pre-service teacher training and roles of nursing teachers and to dispatch experts to Cambodia.
Naruto University of Education Dissemination of Japanese style lesson studies based on study of teaching materials in primary and lower secondary school in Cameroon 【Cameroon】 In Cameroon, pilot schools (primary and lower secondary schools) conduct lesson studies in science and mathematics to introduce a competency-based curriculum. To improve the quality of education in Cameroon, this project supports implementation of Japanese-style lesson studies based on study of teaching materials (“KYOZAI KENKYU”) and enhances its quality and continuity.
Umemura Educational Institutions
Chukyo University
Global expansion model of Japanese-style sports education
“Training the mind and learning techniques, dissemination of Japanese culture by instructing Judo in Argentina” 【Argentina】
Foreign countries have had an interest in the method of instruction and code of honor of Japanese sports.
This project aims at transmitting Japanese culture, history and the Judo spirit to Japanese communities in Argentina and contributing to development of their society, by teaching Judo techniques, the methods of teaching and practicing, and politeness to “judoist” groups through Japanese student athletes and instructors. The project also explores opportunities to expand the number of target countries and target sports.
Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd. Practicing Japanese-style curriculum utilizing digital teaching materials developed by Japan through connecting 2 centers in Cambodia with Japan 【Cambodia】 This project conducts teaching method training for primary English by utilizing digital materials which is an educational resource of Japan. It enhances students to realize what they are able to do through shifting the basic learning style from One-way to Interactive. This project is being conducted both in Siem Reap Teacher Training College and Phnom Penh Teacher Education College under academic-industrial alliance:

  • JAPAN SOCIETY FOR EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY as a hub of consortium by academic institutes having knowledge on ICT education.
  • UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. having know-how to set up an educational environment enhanced by ICT.
  • NIPPON FUKUSHI UNIVERSITY and KANSAI UNIVERSITY dispatching volunteers to contribute to the project.
GAKKO TOSHO Co.,Ltd Developing digital teacher’s guidebook based on Japanese-style science and mathematics textbooks and utilizing them for in-service teacher training in Papua New Guinea 【Papua New Guinea】 In Papua New Guinea, textbooks are developed by Japanese Development Assistance utilizing textbook development technique of publishing company. To implement quality lessons after the distribution of new textbooks, this project tries out training for instructors of teacher training colleges and school teachers utilizing digital teacher’s manual. Digital teacher’s manual provides teachers with timely visual model lessons to meet the needs of this island country and enhance learning achievement of students.
Mizuno Corporation Mizuno HEXATHLON program for introduction into public primary education system in Vietnam 【Vietnam】 The project aims at introducing a physical exercise program to all public primary schools in Vietnam, which was uniquely developed through negotiation with the Ministry of Education and Training involving training of instructors, demonstration in pilot schools, and other efforts. It aims to help to improve physical education lessons in Vietnam which are limited in time allocated and lack run-jump-throw elements. The project further seeks to bring the joy and happiness of doing sports and to contribute to mitigating health threats, particularly obesity, and improving health.
Yamaha Corporation In-service training for musical instruments to take root in music education in Vietnam 【Vietnam】 The project has been promoting introduction of musical instruments education in new primary and secondary education curriculum (2019) in Vietnam since 2016. It aims at contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 4 to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all ” through in-service teacher training under a cooperation with Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam.
Japan Sports Communications “UNDOKAI World Caravan” Project “Organizing UNDOKAI in girls public schools in Saudi Arabia” 【Saudi Arabia】 Girls were permitted to attend physical education lessons in public schools of Saudi Arabia in 2017. This project supports “UNDOKAI” (sports day) in Saudi Arabia to deliver the joy of physical exercise to female students to support them to like physical exercise. At the same time, through this activity, the project informs teachers about leadership and teamwork which are good features of Japanese style education.
MIYAZAKI C-DANCE CENTER Exporting “Expressive Activity” (physical education) to promote Inclusive Education in Laos 【Laos】 “Expressive activity” in physical education in Japan is an important and effective element of Inclusive Education which appreciates “individualities of body and movement”. This project is conducted in cooperation with Kanazawa Seiryo University which researches inclusive physical activities and NGO Asian Development with the Disabled Persons which supports persons with disabilities in Laos, to contribute to development of inclusive schools and communities in Laos.


2017 Pilot projects

After reviewing the applications from 21 organizations, 3 projects were adopted as “FY2017 EDU-Port Certified Project”, and 9 projects as “FY2017 EDU-Port Supported Project”. The applications were reviewed by an executive committee composed of external experts, and projects were adopted based on the review results.

2017 EDU-Port Certified Project

Project name Summary
University of Fukui “Disseminating Fukui-style education to the world” by teacher training collaboration project in Asia, Africa and Japan [ASEAN and African countries (especially Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Malawi) Creating a professional learning community / network for the creation of schools in the 21st century and teachers’ learning, which supports the growth of teachers in the ASEAN and Africa region. For that purpose, we will organize international roundtables in both regions and form teaching development centers in Malawi and Philippines. Furthermore, based on the knowledge gained through these activities, an International Teacher Development Center will be established as a center for practical implementation of lesson development and school development – the two pillars that support education in Japan.
Japan Society for Educational Technology EDU – Port project Enhancement of English teaching program for elementary school teaches in Cambodian Teacher Training Center by connecting with Japan while applying remote technology and Japanese-developed teaching materials. The project will be conducted as the co-operations between industry and university; know-how and knowledge of ICT enhancement in education by Japan Society for Educational Technology and know-how of creating an educational environment by Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd. In Siem Reap National Teacher Training Center, we will conduct training for English education in primary schools by utilizing digital materials – an educational resource of Japan. We will also support in extending English teaching with videos and rhythm teaching materials to the students in countryside through networks.
Through this project, we will share the know-how of Japanese ICT enhancement in education that creates new value in collaboration through the effective use of of ICT equipment such as showing, listening to, enlarging and comparing.

2017 EDU-Port Supported Project

Project name Summary
Gifu University Teacher training system for basic experiment education in Myanmar universities Phase 1: Providing broad knowledge and deep insight through physics experiment
[Republic of the Union of Myanmar]
Based on the request of the “Basic Experiment Science Education Improvement Project” from universities in Myanmar, Gifu University and Japanese teaching equipment manufacturers will cooperate in the physics field. Through invitation / dispatch to trainings on Lesson Study to establish active learning, we aim to build a training system based on on-site university staffs which guarantees sustainable and high quality education, that can also be applied to other subjects and elementary and secondary education, through our support for syllabus improvement, experiment preparation, etc.
Nagoya University Building a new common legal education model for fostering jurists capable of supporting the design of “judicial systems based on the Japanese model”
[Republic of Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of Indonesia]
In order to accommodate actively the modernization experience of Japan into the nation-building process of Asian countries, and to provide the Japanese government with necessary technical tools for supporting the designing of a “judicial system based on the Japanese model” outside of Japan, we will build a new legal education model which can be utilized as a common method for the training of jurists who will be capable of contributing to the legal development of the countries concerned. We will review the curriculum, teaching materials and teaching methods applied so far by the “Research and Education Center for Japanese Law” established by Nagoya University outside of Japan, and collaborate with a consortium networking universities and enterprises in Japan to further develop the relevant curriculum, materials and methods so that they can be equally helpful and applicable to other institutions in the region.
Kansai University Disseminating of Japanese-style engineering education through support to establish a four-year bachelor course in Mechanical Engineering at the Royal University of Bhutan
[Kingdom of Bhutan]
In the last 50 years, the technology transfer in Bhutan through various technology transfer projects by Japan has yielded certain results. But areas such as equipment maintenance are not being conducted by Bhutanese people due to the lack of machine engineers. We have been in discussions with the Royal University of Bhutan, where only a four-year bachelor course in Power Engineering has been established at the science and engineering college, to improve the current situation by establishing a four-year bachelor course of Mechanical Engineering in a few years. Since permission for establishment of the department was issued in June this year, we will provide support for implementation.
Shibaura Institute of Technology Implementation of Global PBL program at Domestic and Overseas Universities with industry-academia-government collaboration of the GTI Consortium members [Southeast Asia] Shibaura Institute of Technology implemented 11 Global PBL (Project Based Learning) programs with industry-academia-government cooperation as a part of the GTI Consortium (Global Technology Initiative Consortium) activities in FY 2016. In this project, we aim to increase the number of programs and promote industry-academia-government collaboration both domestic and overseas. In addition, we also aim to expand these programs to the domestic and overseas partner universities, then contribute to human resource development required by each country and university.
Educa & Quest Inc. Introduction of Japanese-style career education that makes proactive, interactive and deep learning in Vietnam and support for its teaching method [Socialist Republic of Viet Nam] While the number of Japanese companies investing in Vietnam is increasing, the lack of understanding of Japanese companies is an issue in securing the talent of local people. By providing young people in the local communities with career education programs on our real society, we will realize proactive, interactive and deep learning, establish self-view of one’s own career and promote deep understanding of Japanese companies. In addition, by teaching instruction methods, we aim to provide sustainable and wide-area training and job creation in Vietnam. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to the economic development of Japan and Vietnam.
Japan Sports Communications ”UNDOKAI World Caravan” Project We will conduct “Undokai” – a unique sports culture in Japan – at schools around the world and convey the splendor of Japanese culture and the enjoyment of sports. At the same time, through this activity, the project teaches students about things such as keeping teamwork and rules, trying with your best, which lead to educational effects.
Platform for Sustainable Education and Community Overseas disseminating project of “School centered Community Revitalization” ~ Sustainable Development School Project in Bhutan ~ The model of “School centered Regional Revitalization (Sustainable Development School Project)” which started from the Town of Ama and the Shimane Prefecture now has spread to the whole country. And this is the project which expands it from Bhutan.
Through collaboration between schools and communities, by efforts such as project-based learning, 21st century style Terakoya, local study abroad, we will foster talents who are responsible for the future of the region, create a new flow of people from urban to rural areas, and promote sustainable regional development.
Promotion of International Cooperation Bangladesh(PICB) Problem solving in hospitals in Bangladesh using Design Thinking education
[People’s Republic of Bangladesh]
Bangladesh is a country with a large population, but the medical system is insufficient. For example, the problems in medical practice are the waiting time prior to examination, and the movement of the patient prior to examination. In this project, with the cooperation of Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kyushu University, together with the students of University of Rajshahi in Bangladesh, we will create a hospital system using Design Thinking. In the first year, we will establish methods for problem solving from observation, and in the second year we actually develop systems using IT and practice at hospitals.
Miyazaki C-Dance Center Exporting Japanese-style dance education “Creative Dance” that combines body formation and art experience
[Hong Kong, Romania, Republic of Korea]
70 years ago, “a dance program” in school education was converted 180 degrees from teaching materials to bringing out the individual ability of “self-expression”, and this had been produced what we know today as “Creative Dance”.
In recent year, it has been re-evaluated as a type of learning that contributes to abilities that AI is unable to match (a body sensation, an innovation, etc.) and communication skills. Through cooperation with the Faculty of Education and Culture in University of Miyazaki and the General Policy Division in Miyazaki Prefecture, this project aims to export Creative Dance to regions with diverse values including Hong Kong, and to foster people who can contribute to the global society while at the same time creating new values.


2016 Pilot projects

After reviewing the applications from 26 organizations, 5 projects were adopted as Certified Projects – which receive financial support, and 9 projects as Supported Projects – without financial support.
The applications were reviewed by an executive committee for a steering committee composed of external experts, and projects were adopted based on the review results.

2016 EDU-Port Certified Project

Project name Summary
TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY International project for expanding Japanese model of teacher education with overseas Japanese schools The project positions lesson study or “jugyo-kenkyu”, a teaching improvement process widely practiced in Japan, as a key element that characterizes the style of education in Japan, and seek to diffuse the practice beginning from Thai Japanese Association School in Thailand, capitalizing on close ties with overseas Japanese schools. This approach places overseas Japanese schools as the central node for diffusion in that Japanese teaching staff of the schools will first receive training to be instructors, who will then nurture local instructors in collaboration with local universities.
Hiroshima University Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education (CICE) The Pilot Project for Improving Safe Learning Environment through the Use of A Japanese Style Package of Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Education: BOSAI” for Fostering Children’s Initiative in Nepal A model of education for disaster-preparedness developed with the assistance of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will be extended to primary schools in Nepal which has experienced major earthquake disaster. A model of developing disaster-preparedness plans at schools, in which pupils play active roles, will be examined and diffused, in an joint effort with local non-governmental organizations and close cooperation between schools and local communities.
Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd. Japanese vocational skill development project for India Japanese-style vocational schools will be founded in India in partnership with different schools in Japan, such as technical colleges and driving schools. The project will focus on training in transport driving and heavy machinery operation in the initial stage, to foster human resources who are not only skilled but also deeply aware of safety and work ethics.
Mizuno corporation Mizuno HEXATHLON program introduction into public elementary education system in VIETNAM The project aims at introducing a physical exercise program to all public primary schools in Vietnam, which was uniquely developed through negotiation with the Ministry of Education and Training of the Vietnamese government, training of instructors, demonstration in schools of the pilot project, and other efforts. This will help improve physical education in Vietnam which is limited in time allocated, and lacks in run-jump-throw elements. The program further seeks to bring joy and happiness of doing sports and to contribute to mitigating health threats, particularly obesity, and improving health. For more details:
Yamaha Corporation Introduction of playing musical instruments to the primary and secondary music classes in Vietnam The project seeks to introduce musical instruments education in primary to secondary education in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, through such efforts as trials in extracurricular activities, sending musical instruments experts, fostering teaching staff, and assistance in teaching materials development. With educational benefits ingrained in musical instruments education, such as working in harmony with others and development of sense of responsibility through free expression of emotions, this project will contribute to enhancement of music education in Vietnam.

2016 EDU-Port Supported Project

Project name Summary
Saitama Board of Education Teacher training via the introduction of Saitama’s active learning lessons. The project will provide teaching staff in primary and secondary schools in the City of Cebu in the Republic of the Philippines with practical training for the Knowledge-Constructive Jigsaw (KCJ) method, an active learning method developed in Saitama Prefecture that helps deep independent and interactive learning.
Ehime University Integrating Japanese-style Lab Safety Education in Technological Universities in Myanmar The project will introduce a Japanese-style safety and health education to institutes of technology in Myanmar, in cooperation with universities in Japan. More specifically, local teaching staff in institutes in Myanmar will receive training in safety and health in Japan. In addition, teaching materials used in Japan will be adjusted to fit Myanmar to eventually extend safety and health education to local university students in Myanmar.
University of Fukui Startup enterprise of expanding Fukui’s educational system from Japan to the World The project lays the foundation for building a community network for professional studies for the development of a school of the 20th century and learning among teaching staff. To that end, networking events on Japanese style education related to development of schoolwork and schools targeting trainees from Africa will be held in parallel with projects of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Chiba Institute of Technology Space education and IoT/ICT training for Mongolian students. A Japanese-style education in space studies will be provided, in a joint effort with Mongolian universities, to students of universities and college of industrial technology in Mongolia. The college will foster engineers and site supervisors through experience in projects and practical training in systems engineering.
Japan Society for Educational Technology Building our Shared future by Adapting Japanese Style education: Knowledge, Morality and Health — Disseminating the Study of Japanese ICT Education through Teacher Training based on three Key Station Universities in the Philippines — The project, lead by Japan Society for Educational Technology (JSET) with participants from several universities in Japan, will foster teaching staff who are to provide 21st century information education in the Philippines through on-line training and assignment of instructors.
Human Resources Japan (HR Japan) Business human resource development project for Thai university students ~Building up a learning system of Japanese business education style~ Training programs will be offered to university students in Thailand, which are based on programs for employees in Japanese companies on such matters as business etiquette, professional attitudes, etc. A combination of learning through the web and on-site training will help nurture human resources who are familiar with Japanese style of business. The programs are also intended to facilitate recruitment by Japanese companies operating in Thailand by gathering information on training participants.
Mikke Project by The Asahi Shimbun Company and Hakuhodo Inc. Introducing the Japanese Style Learning Platform “Mikke” to Asian Countries Educational contents for primary school children that has been offered in Thailand will be promoted for wider dissemination in the country. Further, preparation will be made to introduce them to other neighboring countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Myanmar. Provision of high quality educational materials is expected to help promote supply of excellent Japanese style contents and improve the quality of education in countries that utilize the contents.
SPORTS DATA BANK CO., Ltd. The export of Japanese-style club activities. The project will introduce extracurricular club activities to Bangkok, Thailand by sending Japanese instructors to local schools, recognizing them as one of the key features of Japanese-style education. Future plans include industry sponsorship, expansion to other regions within Thailand and to neighboring countries, and introduction of additional types of activities.
Benesse Corporation Preparation of vocabulary fixing program development for Vietnamese Japanese learners The project will develop educational materials for learning Japanese language, particularly vocabulary, to raise proficiency in Japanese among Vietnamese population, thereby contributing to future increase in Vietnamese students to study in Japan. More specifically, a beta-version of teaching materials and examinations to measure vocabulary competence before and after the learning will be developed to demonstrate the learning method and its effectiveness.